according to Earthing book, auto-immune disease is caused by the body not having its natural reference point to the earth. So instead the body makes its reference point to itself and attacks itself. Very interesting to me and makes sense. Our electrical being is apriori to our chemical being, so if our electrical circuit is short-circuited by not being grounded, then there is no way the physical or chemical systems can perform efficiently and harmonically. Our systemic messaging system is electrical primary and chemical secondary! We have to stop thinking of ourselves as physical/chemical beings and start thinking of ourselves as light/electrical beings or frequency beings. Homeopathy has progressed to the point where they can simply program the frequency of the chemical and don't even need the substance at all! Earthing equals all the frequencies bundled together for free, at all times, everywhere, and the body intelligence chooses what it needs. They did studies and found that Earthing increases hormones in which we are deficient and decreases hormones in which we have excess. We are so programmed towards symptomatic medicine. Even so called holistic medicine is nothing but a high level of symptomatic medicine for the most part. Sometimes we may need that, but it should not be primary.