Re: Auto Immune Caused Thyroid Deficiency Opinions Wanted
Hi Glax,
I dont know much more about Auto immune thyroid /
Iodine than in your post below, but I know lolite here have. She will chime in I`m sure.
Being in a setting like yours and having all eyes on you would be a good opporturnity to tell about your personal story with iodine; nothing beats that IMO.
I have done so myself; and the sceptics are turned around, for instance when I tell them I have increased my body temp almost 1 degree celcius; up to the wanted 37C. They go home and test their own temp; Most people have to low body temp these days; caused by fluoride etc;
Iodine increases the temperature. (can take a while though)
They are also all ears when I tell them about th ADHD boys I work with; since most of us has someone close to us or know someone with that diagnosis. (their body temp is VERY low; even down to 35 C ish)
Down to earth, common sense, personal stories + referance to the
Iodine doctors I believe will do it. Best of luck!