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Auto Immune Caused Thyroid Deficiency Opinions Wanted
  Views: 1,761
Published: 14 y

Auto Immune Caused Thyroid Deficiency Opinions Wanted

Ok so I go to this meditation circle with a bunch of rich and famous people, kind of, I embellish this story to make it more entertaining, but ex-rock stars and talking heads and the like all congregate to meditate and since I am the Worm Guru, I pitch them on Iodine and a bunch of them start taking it and they are getting amazing results.

Well now this Tie Gee teacher has to go and throw a kink in the fun. She sends out a message to the entire circle about Iodine being dangerous for people with an auto immunity thyroid dysfunction or some such. And I can't even open her darn e-mail to read it.

I hope nobody else can either. But maybe it's just my computer because I downloaded something yesterday that wouldn't install. Who knows?

So Monday night I will go meditate and she will be there warning people away from Iodine. All their eyes will turn towards me when it's my turn to speak. And I don't even know what her darn letter said about the stupid auto immunity.

I am just wondering what all the Iodine geniuses have to say about auto immune caused thyroid dysfunction. I am guessing maybe she has it, as she kind of looks and acts like she is drugged into oblivion with synthroid or something. She is very hyper and happy all the time.

What to say to my circle now????


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