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Eggs...Re: Food intollerances
unyquity Views: 1,732
Published: 14 y
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Eggs...Re: Food intollerances Each egg has 30 grams of protein.  Protein needs = 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight.  150 pound person = 68.18 kgs. 

So 2 eggs daily is 60 grams of protein...more than that, and we're into the "anti healing" effects of excessive protein. 

This is definitely a "must read" for everyone with protein concerns (that's all of us :::wink:::)

>>>The body does not lay down excess protein. If you eat protein in excess to your requirements then the surplus is either converted to carbohydrate or fat by the liver and the amine portion (the nitrogenous portion which makes it a protein) is converted to urea and eliminated by the kidneys. Excess protein creates acidity and puts a strain on the kidneys which will later affect the heart. <<<

What our body in it's current dis-eased condition may seem to "need" is not what a healthy body necessarily needs.  We must always be careful not to use foods/herbs as "drugs" to band-aid & squelch symptoms because that always causes more problems somewhere else. 

Always remember, if we  feed and nourish our healthy body, that's what we will get...if we feed our sick body, that's what we will get.

I'm not saying that we should ignore negative/dangerous food reactions (that'd be silly).  But we do need to educate ourselves as to what is truly healing and what is actually band-aiding, and make sure to void the latter.  We can easily get almost 40 grams of protein daily from 6T of Superfood Original and 4T of bee pollen....a few more veggies and juices and we're easily "protein sufficient".

Of course, (Dr. Schulze) "It's not what we take, it's what we ASSIMILATE" (and utilize correctly).  So the answer for not assimilating/processing protein correctly isn't eating more of it (particularly when it stresses/harms the body to have to much to process)...the answer is addressing & correcting the cause of the lack assimilation.

Heal On!






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