I have a major candida issue as well. I have been fighting it for over 6 years. The nystatin will help for a bit but as soon as you stop taking it it will come back and stronger than ever! I have tried Threelac and lots of.other products. If you go on the Candida Support Forum on the info page it will give you a protocol. It is basically what you were looking at doing before you found candida was your issue. Here is my plan:If #1 and 2, parasite cleanse,liver cleanse and coffee enemas. I just ordered a juicer. I will be doing the ACV bombs and echinacea tincture to build my immune system. I also plan on adding in natural antifungals to my plan as well. I will be using oil of oregano and possibly coconut oil. You an get through this without the nystatin. I hate to see you just add more poison to your body! I can tell you from experience that it WILL NOT cure your candida. I have done hours of reading in this forum and a few others and I am convinced that natural healing is the way to go. My body is so compromised because of candida thatdrugs will only weaken it further and add more of a toxin overload to my liver. For he first time in 6 years I am feeling so hopeful and positive about my healing!