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Re: Aaaaahhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrgrgggrgrgggg!!!! Coq10, gingivitis and Candida. :(
healthyartist Views: 10,307
Published: 14 y
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Re: Aaaaahhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrgrgggrgrgggg!!!! Coq10, gingivitis and Candida. :(

So, do you use the water pic instead of a toothbrush or both?

I'm definitely not being too agressive now. I make sure to sleep with my mouth closed so that it stays moist in there. I just brush with salt water. I swish with salt water after every meal and floss once per day. If I floss more than that they hurt. I'm very careful when I brush and floss and try my damndest not to cause any bleeding. I also just started swishing with folic acid that my doctor prescribed about a week ago as well, but it's really mild.

I think it's nutrients that aren't getting to the gum tissue and over sensitivity to bacteria possibly, but I'm feeling like it's more likely a coq10 deficiency. But maybe it's hormonal in some way? I know that pregnant women often get gingivitis...



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