Aaaaahhhhhhrrrrrrrrrrrgrgggrgrgggg!!!! Coq10, gingivitis and Candida. :(
So, I've been reading and reading and reading about gingivitis and Coq10 to make sure it's safe for me and to find out why one might be dificient in it. Well, I finally opened my bottle and took a half a 100mg gel cap after reading about how quickly gingivitis is said to heal from suplementation. I thought, "I just have to do it. This is ridiculous!". So I did.
One minute later I was reading some person's article that said that coq10 can help to heal Candida. So, I was like, "hell yeah! Perfect!". So then I looked up coq10 and Candida and it turns out that Candida in the small intestine can be the reason for the malabsorption of coq10. Alright! Now we're getting somewhere. But next I read that supplementing coq10 can feed the Candida in the small intestine. Aaaaarrrrrrgrgrghhhhghghhgggg!!! What?!?!?!?
I ran out of my flax seed crackers the other day and ate about ten rice crackers instead and then I went for a
colonic yesterday and she said that she has never seen that much gas come out of a person. I'm pretty sure I've got Candida in my small intestine, made possible by low stomach acid.
MAN!!!! Nothing is ever simple. Back to the drawing board!
Also, I now have a brand new bottle of opened coq10. Anyone wanna buy it off of me? It's Jarrow Ubiquinol.
Although, I might try rubbing it on my gums...