I am not an expert and don't know the answers, but my *guess* would be that's too much cayenne pepper. It's an awful lot, and this is your second thread reporting symptoms of gas that never happened before you started with the cayenne. People have successfully cleansed using the lemonade recipe for decades, using less pepper than you are. Listen to your taste buds!
Something that helped me with salt water flushing was, I hate to admit it, a Pepe tip about drinking lots of water about an hour afterwards. It helps gravity do its job. I agree though that sometimes not as much comes out as goes in. This morning I'd gained weight after flushing last thing yesterday, and I think it's fluid retention from the salt. I'm a little concerned about it really. I'd like to know for sure that the Sea Salt all gets expelled safely from the body.
Sorry that didn't actually provide you with answers.