Yes I did a challenge test. I didn't not notice any flare ups. Flare ups were appearing on Day 3.
I will never chelate again as long as I still have chronic candidiasis. It supress gut immunity so badly.
Walter Crinnion one of the best expert on chelation in US told me if oral does it transdermal does it also. He suggest a colonic the day after chelation. You can also do coofee enemas the day of chelation and the day after chelation. Get metal out ASAP.
Dr Trowbridge and Galland told me to treat yeast on the long term with antifungals, immune boosters and diet. This is the first thing to do. Underlying causes does not explain why candidiasis goes chronic. Underlying causes explain why yeast would always recur after a cure. So if you have the yeast syndrome and it is chronic you have to treat it for a long time with diligence and patience whether there are underlying causes or not.