Hmm, what about trying a different chelation protocol? instead of using DMSA large doses orally, maybe DMPS IV low dose? My doctor uses DMPS and says that DMPS clinically has been more successful and because its expensive and not oral, it must be done IV but CORRECTLY. He is aware of the fast and high dose that chelation is not supposed to be done with and he did his own study with 70+ autistic patients and recovered i believe 60 something after the chelation therapy (which included his own son). His methods are certified by the American board of clinical metal toxicology ( I think those are the words) and trained by the top chelation doctor and specialist, Dr. Buttar.
I also have spoken many times through email with one of Dr. Buttar's patients who is now cured of his stage 4 melanoma cancer, has felt better now than ever and tells me that 20 IV chelations from Dr. Buttar yielded no side effects from him or any of the patients he was with. He said that an older women who hadn't left the house in 10 years said she felt almost normal.
He did also say that after taking out 6 of his
Amalgams recently, the thinking and his brain just felt so clear.
This is not to say that his experience will be anyone else's but I think that on the internet, chelation has many controversies. Dr. Buttar does this for a living every day for the past 20 years (?), recovered his own son from autism through it, believes in it, testified in front of congress about the dangers of metals and how to get them out properly under strict guidelines, and is the top chelation expert of the world today (from a clinical point of view). This is the opposite of Andy Cutler who speaks from a chemist's point of view and has limited clinical evidence but LOTS of research and chemistry behind his theories. Not saying one is BETTEr but that some methods work for some, and does not work for others. I hae heard from people who use cutler for a year and could not remove metals and others who on cutlers forum who seem to say that nothing worked except cutlers protocol, in which case, great!
Just think that there's more than 1 way to do it safely.
Dr Buttar also has transdermal DMSA which should technically not be so yeast -feeding since it goes through the skin. Well not as much a direct absorption and contact with the Gi tract.
I'm still on the fence about this and im also looking one last time into parasitology and sending out multiple lab tests to different labs about finding a
parasite regarding this
parasite unidentified taxonomy issue to see if that's the problem causing this raw and sore inflamed feeling in the gut.