Re: I need to vent.
Because you're gorgeous, I'd do anything for you!
I went to see a shrink today, who happens to be a buddhist with a respect for my knowledge about the HPA axis!
My endo told me to calm down when I asked him to run tests for cytokines InterLeukin-6 and Tumour Necrosis Factor.
If only I'd not taken that weird soil probiotic, I might be cruising through my dreams as I was before.
Let my forum posts serve as a record of my dying fight.
Yesterday was shit - my dad domineered me into eating a curry he'd prepared containing vegetable oil, which seemed to induce damage to a vein in my hand, which is now more visible and hurting.
My mum is now a cancer patient; and at my dad's hands, she's consuming toxic heated refined vegetable oils.
I despise life so deeply and so profoundly that my consciousness has no desire to be in this body any longer, although somehow, I'm sticking around for the benefit of my mum (only).
May lightning strike me dead, if it kindly chooses, otherwise I may find the most diseased prostitute on the street and offer her funds for incubated misery. ARGH!