2009 ASCO report on Oleander Phase I trial
Actually, the summary results of the initial Phase I study at MD Anderson Cancer Clinic were presented at the 2009 ASCO meeting, where, though the trial was conducted primarily to determine the maximum safe dose, it was noteworthy that 9 out of 20 patients already had their cancers stabilized after 2 months. After 6 months, only 2 patients had increased progression with new metasteses and only 1 other had increased clinical progression.
Here are a couple of images from the poster presentation at the meeting:
As regards safety issues, in addition to the above reported results of no grade 3 or higher adverse events and no significant cardiac events, the Phase I trials to determine the maximum safe amount of the patented oleander extract Anvizel never did reach a limiting dose, but rather was stopped when the dose reached an amount which was considered to be the maximum amount which could practically be injected. If oleander extract is so dangerous, where out of all the thousands of users, are the deaths and injury reports?
The only games being played here are the ones in your mind - where you perceive mere disagreements to be attacks against you and, after you launch into TOS violation attacks that have often been removed by the WM, you then pretend to be the poor victim when it is you that has repeatedly attacked those who have dared disagree with you.