My brother has Burkitt's Lymphoma and is HIV positive. He is in remission for the second time right now, but his dr fully expects the cancer to come back. I want to make him as strong as he can be so he is ready when it does. He really struggles with platelets and WBC. Can he take Sesame seed oil, papaya leaf extract and wheat grass juice together safely? What about alkaline water? Thanks.
Burkitt's lymphoma is another viral induced cancer caused by the Epstein Barre virus.
The best herbs for lymphoma viruses are chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis especially when combined. They should be taken 3-4 times daily at least 20 minutes before meals. If using 'O' capsules the recommended dose would be 3 capsules and for 'OO' capsules 2 capsules 3-4 times daily.
If there is access to ozone therapy this is also great for destroying cancer viruses.
For the low white blood cells and platelets the herb suma will raise both of these quickly due to the organic germanium content, which helps with restoring the bone marrow.
Sesame seed oil, papaya leaf extract and wheatgrass juice can be taken together without an issue.
As for the alkaline water this is best avoided. I posted on this previously:
Alkaline waters inhibit nutrition absorption, damage the tissues, inhibit protein breakdown, increase the risk of infections since most pathogens thrive in an alkaline environment.
Also, to set the record straight, although the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) has been associated strongly with Burkitt's lymphoma in some parts of the world (such as Africa), ini the United States most Burkitt's Lymphoma cells do not carry EBV and most medical authorities do not consider Burkitt's Lymphoma in the U.S. to have viral origins. See for example:
Also, to set the record straight, although the Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) has been associated strongly with Burkitt's lymphoma in some parts of the world (such as Africa), ini the United States most Burkitt's Lymphoma cells do not carry EBV and most medical authorities do not consider Burkitt's Lymphoma in the U.S. to have viral origins.
Once again Tony fails to do proper research and uses the "most" assumption with no real evidence to back it up.
This site has a list of lymphomas associated with the Epstein Barre virus:
As far as his claim "ini the United States most Burkitt's Lymphoma cells do not carry EBV" again he failed to do proper research. How does he explain this:
"However, in France and the United States, the rare cases of Burkitt's lymphoma are only associated with EBV in 10-15% of all reported cases (3). "
And let's not forget the fact that the original poster never stated what country this person was in.
And how does Tony explain the death of David Vetter "the bubble boy" who died of Burkitt's lymphoma after getting EBV contaminated bone marrow? Where did David live? Not in Africa, not in Asia. Wait, he lived in Texas, which is part of the United States. Apparently Tony needs geography lessons as well if he thinks EBV is not found incases of Burkitt's lymphoma in the United States.
It will be interesting to see how it takes for Tony to try and hide this post since he has been proven wrong AGAIN!!! And he loves to play "hide the post" when he is proven wrong, which is frequently. I guess it is true, some people never learn.
this person seems to cause trouble on curezone forgetting the primary mission is to help people out.
What do you think I am doing by posting all the medical abstracts? The idea is to inform and help people.
So how does your nonsense of complaining about my helping people fit the mission you mentioned?
personally i agree with donquixote on the subject, viruses are rarely causative. if a virus was causative, what was the cause of the virus? what was the cause of the cause? this logic becomes quickly recursive and pointless.
This has already been explained in depth. Viruses can lay dormant or only infect the system when there is immune supression already present . It is not a difficult concept for the average person to grasp.
Despite your trying to put words in my mouth, as you often do, I will note that nowhere did I say that EPV was not associated with Burkitt's lymphoma in the US, only that it was not associated with most instances of EPV.
Tell me, how exactly does "Burkitt's lymphoma are only associated with EBV in 10-15% of all reported cases" in your post contradict my reporting that most Burkitt lymphoma cells in the U.S. do not contain EBV? If you equate 15% with "most", then perhaps it is easier to understand your opinion that viruses cause "most" cancers.
Despite your trying to put words in my mouth, as you often do,
LOL!!!! Look who is talking.
I will note that nowhere did I say that EPV was not associated with Burkitt's lymphoma in the US, only that it was not associated with most instances of EPV.
First of all it is EBV not EPV. So you are now admitting that cancer viruses can cause cancer, including EBV? That is not what you were stating on the debate boards with your two person panel post or in the past.
Tell me, how exactly does "Burkitt's lymphoma are only associated with EBV in 10-15% of all reported cases" in your post contradict my reporting that most Burkitt lymphoma cells in the U.S. do not contain EBV? If you equate 15% with "most", then perhaps it is easier to understand your opinion that viruses cause "most" cancers.
Any person understanding real research would know that every case of cancer, including BL, is not tested for cancer microbe genes. So the numbers are assumptive.
Ok, my turn to ask a question. How did you come to the conclusion that oleander is effective against all cancers when your own links to studies do not back this claim at all? There were only a few abstracts really discussing the effects on cancer, but they were ALL petri dish studies, which as everyone but you knows DOES NOT correlate to what happens in the body. This is something learned in basic research 101. And the one abstract even showed that it was not effective against all cell lines even in the petri dish. So basically the abstracts mean nothing since the oleander extract has not been show to work in the body.
Yes, EBV not EPV. My mistake - evidently typing too fast with too little brain power too early in the morning. Thanks for pointing that out.
Now, to answer your question: Where do you find me ever posting that oleander is effective against ALL cancers? That is much like you tried to attribute me saying that no cancer was caused by viruses or no Burkitt's lymphoma was associated with EBV in the U.S. What I have said repeatedly is that nothing works 100% and that no one should rely on any one single item to beat cancer and keep it from returning.
Here is what I know: Oleander has been found to be effective against a wide variety of cancers. Oleander combined with the other elements in my suggested anti-cancer protocol and oleander combined with the less extensive other suggestions made by the person who devised the SOPC supplement line has been effective against practically all cancers. Nope, no clinical studies - just real world observation, which I give more creedence to than the majority of studies. After all, studies have been found to be up to 85% flawed or outright fraudulent. See:
Top Researcher Finds Medical Studies to be Largely Wrong or Fraudulent
Yes, it is at that dratted "sales site". : )
Actual observation always trumps so-called scientific studies and abstracts in my book. After all, what are you going to believe - a study which may have been flawed or fraudulent or your eyes?
Now, in the real world Dr. H. Z. Ozell reported an average of over 70% success against a wide range of cancers in literally thousands of patients (he's been at it for over 40 years now). That is pretty remarkable, since he was a mainstream doctor who was limited to using oleander as either a CAM item or else use it after mainstream treatment had failed. It is also doubtful that he recommended much else in terms of diet and nutrition, lifestyle, stress management or other supplements. Notably, he was brought up on charges of using unproven medicine by the mainstream authorities and the charges were dismissed after large numbers of patients testified of their success in beating cancer due to Dr. Ozel.
In the real world, the Naturopathic PhD who devised the Sutherlandia supplements has tracked over 2000 supplement users over the past 5 plus years and he reports that over 85% of stage III and IV cancer victims have survived thus far - most of whom are now cancer free or else have cancer which is being eliminated - and over 95% survival thus far with stage I and II cancers. Notably, many of the customers came to use the supplements after mainstream medicine had either written them off or else failed to produce desired results.
In the real world I have a Yahoo group about oleander and natural cancer alternatives which has been around over 6 years and has over 2100 members. A very great number of the members had likewise either been written off by mainstream doctors or else not had the results they wished for. In all the time that the group has been around, I am aware of perhaps a dozen people who have at least partly tried the suggested protocol who are not still alive today. The few who have not been successful have virtually all shared the characteristics of either coming to the group and protocol when scant time was left, coming to the group after their immune systems and/or major organs had been damaged and compromised beyond recovery by chemo and/or radiation, or else failed to consistently follow the protocol and/or take enough oleander and other items to be of sufficient therapeutic value.
Now, was it always the oleander which led to success? Not likely, though given the success of Dr. Ozel it surely played a large role in most instances. That is the logic and the beauty of having a comprehensive over all protocol.
You are quite right - what works in a petri dish often does not correlate to what happens in the human body. The human body, like nature itself, works synergistically - and thus the combination of oleander and other natural items may work significantly better than what is found in mere petri dish studies. Pllus, what elements may work for one person may not be the same that work best for another. But in the real world, the success of the overall protocol, which features oleander as a central component, is indisputable.
Yes, EBV not EPV. My mistake - evidently typing too fast with too little brain power too early in the morning. Thanks for pointing that out.
Now, to answer your question: Where do you find me ever posting that oleander is effective against ALL cancers?
I have seen both you and Luella recommend this every time anyone with any type of cancer has posted on these boards. Tell every one here where you have posted on which cancers oleander is supposedly good for and which ones it clearly is not?
That is much like you tried to attribute me saying that no cancer was caused by viruses or no Burkitt's lymphoma was associated with EBV in the U.S. What I have said repeatedly is that nothing works 100% and that no one should rely on any one single item to beat cancer and keep it from returning.
Here is what I know: Oleander has been found to be effective against a wide variety of cancers.
In petri dishes, which DOES NOT it does the same thing in the body.
Oleander combined with the other elements in my suggested anti-cancer protocol and oleander combined with the less extensive other suggestions made by the person who devised the SOPC supplement line has been effective against practically all cancers.
Again, where is the proof of this wild claim in the medical journals. You did not believe what I said since you could not find it in the journals for John Hopkins, Mayo, etc. So you need to play by the same standards you require of others. So let's see the medical reports on oleander from these journals or otherwise by your standards it must not be true.
Nope, no clinical studies - just real world observation, which I give more creedence to than the majority of studies.
Of course since that is all you have to go on. in reality this is not real evidence as I pointed out so many times.
After all, studies have been found to be up to 85% flawed or outright fraudulent. See:
Top Researcher Finds Medical Studies to be Largely Wrong or Fraudulent
Even if this is true what does this have to do with anything? So they cannot provide non-fraudulent studies on oleander? Or are you implying that any oleander studies that may exist fit in the 85% flawed or fraudulent studies?
Yes, it is at that dratted "sales site". : )
Actual observation always trumps so-called scientific studies and abstracts in my book.
But not to the rational person not trying to sell the product or related items. Same reason that some studies are fraudulent. When sales are involved studies and observations are sometimes manipulated to make sure the outcome will support the product. Same reason that research studies need to be done by independent groups and not by the companies profiting from the product or related products.
After all, what are you going to believe - a study which may have been flawed or fraudulent or your eyes?
Same applies to any oleander studies that may exist. So I guess we cannot trust these studies. Especially when someone tries to push petri dish studies as proof the product works. That is just downright deceptive!!!
Now, in the real world Dr. H. Z. Ozell reported an average of over 70% success against a wide range of cancers in literally thousands of patients (he's been at it for over 40 years now).
According to you. I see claims like this made all the time by marketing companies. They rely heavily on the fact that there is no way for anyone to verify the claims. So the person is left to put their trust in completely unsubstantiated claims and statistics. And as we all know statistics are frequently manipulated, even more than research studies. So is the 70% success claim for real? Who knows? There is no way to confirm the claim from a sales site, which being from a sales site automatically puts the claims of the statistics in to question.
Any person with access to the internet can claim they healed 70,000 people using "_______". And how is anyone going to verify the claim or disprove it? In fact when people make wild claims like having cured 70,000 people and they do not have a Nobel Prize or at least are more famous than they are that right there pretty much tells me that the claims being made are fraudulent. Just another sales site making outlandish claims to promote a product.
That is pretty remarkable, since he was a mainstream doctor who was limited to using oleander as either a CAM item or else use it after mainstream treatment had failed.
And again, where is the proof of these cures? Where is the proof the cancers remained gone, IF these people were really "cured" in the first place? Why haven't most people heard of him? Where are all his awards for supposedly curing so many thousands of people? Why hasn't there been more research in to oleander if it appears to be so promising? Again, the claims of all the thousands of cures sounds really fishy!!!
It is also doubtful that he recommended much else in terms of diet and nutrition, lifestyle, stress management or other supplements.
It is doubtful that the claims are for real in the first place. Sounds more like sales hype. The same type of claims are made by MLM companies all the time. Again, where is the proof that these people were cured and if cured that the cancers did not come back later? And why hasn't this been reported in the media more if the cure rate was so high? All I hear is lots of hype and NO real evidence to back these wild claims.
Notably, he was brought up on charges of using unproven medicine by the mainstream authorities and the charges were dismissed after large numbers of patients testified of their success in beating cancer due to Dr. Ozel.
Again, without seeing the actual court records to see what really happened this simply remains an unsubstantiated claim. Since court records are public though show us the court records if this is true so we can see what really happened and to see if you are telling the truth.
In fact I ran a couple of searches and cannot find any real evidence that he was ever arrested and tried.
What I did find is that oleander is NO LONGER in FDA trials as you claimed in an earlier post. So all this stuff you are claiming is coming more and more in to question.
In the real world, the Naturopathic PhD who devised the Sutherlandia supplements has tracked over 2000 supplement users over the past 5 plus years and he reports that over 85% of stage III and IV cancer victims have survived thus far - most of whom are now cancer free or else have cancer which is being eliminated - and over 95% survival thus far with stage I and II cancers. Notably, many of the customers came to use the supplements after mainstream medicine had either written them off or else failed to produce desired results.
Again a lot of unsubstantiated hype with statistics that cannot be verified either. But based on the fact that the claim of oleander being in FDA trials, which apparently untrue, I doubt the other claims being made as well since it appears financial incentives are driving a lot of hype over the product.
You are quite right - what works in a petri dish often does not correlate to what happens in the human body. The human body, like nature itself, works synergistically - and thus the combination of oleander and other natural items may work significantly better than what is found in mere petri dish studies.
"May?!!! Or it may work significantly worse or not at all. Again, you have provided NO solid evidence that oleander works. Just a lot of repeated sales hype.
You still have been unable to show any real evidence that this claim is true. Until then it is right up there with the hyped claim that it is in FDA trials, which apparently is untrue. Again, show us in the journals from John Hopkins or Mayo showing that oleander has been shown effective for cancers. You demanded such evidence from me so you need to play by the same standards you set.
Pllus, what elements may work for one person may not be the same that work best for another. But in the real world, the success of the overall protocol, which features oleander as a central component, is indisputable.
Wrong again!!!!! It is disputable as I have shown in this post. Unsubstantiated claims are not proof of anything other than a lack of real evidence being available.
I guess you must have missed this one:
And you were going to teach me how to do research?
Fess up, H - the only problem you have with oleander is your petty vendictiveness against me for daring to disagree with your minority opinion that viruses cause most cancer or that cancer is contagious.
Besides your views on cancer, you virorously defend soy, put down liver flushes, put down alkalizing, demand scientific proof and disregard actual real life observation that lies at the heart of natural healing and has for thousands of years. In addition you have attacked and denigrated some of the most respected and long time members of this site - mostly for daring disagree with you as I have. And you put down my website as a sales site while you have a private forum here that you sell from?
You complain bitterly about being the poor victim and how forums are moderated - or for that matter how the site itself is operated - conveniently forgetting who it was that gave you the R recommendations of who has complimented you on your information and recommended your for your knowledge about ozone. One might wonder just why you are here to begin with, other than having worn out your welcome eslewhere that is (such as for example).
I guess you must have missed this one: ROTFLMAO!!!! First of all you must have missed the big bold colored lettering that CLEARLY STATES "This study is currently recruiting participants." I guess I have to explain to you what this SIMPLE concept means. It means that they are looking for guinea pigs, the study is not currently being conducted!!! They have been trying to recruit guinea pigs since November 2007 and they have not been able to recruit the minimum 20 people needed for safety studies. Gee, I wonder why nobody would want to volunteer for an unproven drug made from such as deadly plant? Could it be because there is NO real evidence available proving it even works in the first place? Secondly, this is only for phase 1 trials, which has nothing to do with whether a drug works or not. It is about safety and tolerance. Effectiveness is determined in phase 2 trials. And you were going to teach me how to do research? Yes, apparently you need me to teach you how to do proper research based on the facts I presented above!!!! Fess up, H - the only problem you have with oleander is your petty vendictiveness against me for daring to disagree with your minority opinion that viruses cause most cancer or that cancer is contagious. LOL!!! You wish!!! Besides your views on cancer, you virorously defend soy, And you have bashed it with false claims. Being that you have so frequently accuse others of doing things you do yourself we can apply the same here to your above claim. So on this basis we can conclude that it is because I have proven you wrong so many times on various topics, including proving your anti-soy bashing wrong, that you have applied so much of your energy in to your petty vindictiveness against me since you feel I have embarrassed you so often by counting your assumptions with real facts. put down liver flushes, Some people, such as myself, rely on facts instead of hype. put down alkalizing, See my last statement. It is such as shame that some people are so gullible that they will believe anything such as the liver flushing, alkalinizing and the false soy hype. But hey, if everyone only accepted real facts then life would be pretty boring. demand scientific proof You have done the same of me. The difference is that make an effort to provide the scientific proof. You ignore the requests when you are asked to do the same. So it is clear you are simply playing games and refuse to make any effort to provide such proof since you know as well as I do that no proof of your claims exists. and disregard actual real life observation that lies at the heart of natural healing and has for thousands of years. Another false claim by DQ (Tony). If you have read my posts on the subject I NEVER disregarded real life observation. I simply said it needs to still be verified by some other research. Most research starts with observation to determine what may or may not work. Then the research itself also involves observation. So making up lies about me is not helping your case at all Tony. In addition you have attacked and denigrated some of the most respected and long time members of this site - mostly for daring disagree with you as I have. ROTFLMAO!!!!! Once again Tony I NEVER attack anyone without being attacked first. This includes defending myself against not only your personal attacks but also against those you private messaged to encourage them to join in on attacking me to make yourself look better in the limelight. But it backfired since all you did was to show how far a low life like you will go to get your way!!!!! Again, you should have been banned permanently for such an egregious violation of TOS. And you put down my website as a sales site while you have a private forum here that you sell from? First of all I did not know it was your website. So it was not personal. Secondly I did not put down the website. You were asked for evidence of effectiveness in the human body. You presented a website as evidence that had a few abstracts that showed oleander worked against SOME cancer cell lines IN PETRI DISHES, which DOES NOT correlate to inside the body. So I addressed the faulty evidence presented, not the website. So why is it that you feel such urges to keep lying about the facts and about me? Or is it simply your petty vindictiveness that drives you to play such games? You complain bitterly about being the poor victim and how forums are moderated - or for that matter how the site itself is operated - conveniently forgetting who it was that gave you the R recommendations of who has complimented you on your information and recommended your for your knowledge about ozone. LOL!!!! Yep, games you play. You are like a domestic violence abuser who beats their spouse senseless then claims they are sorry and does something nice for them to make up for it, just to turn around and beat them senseless again. If you think being nice to me occasionally while spending 95% of your time lying about me and bashing me makes you a "good" person you are seriously wrong AGAIN!!! All this really does is show how deceptive you really are and how far you will go in playing your games. One might wonder just why you are here to begin with, other than having worn out your welcome eslewhere that is (such as for example). Thanks again for proving my point about you. You just showed everyone how far you were willing to dig to find dirt on me to post even though you have no idea of what the real facts were. But since you chose to bring this up AGAIN let me go over the real facts with you. The board I was posting on was hosted by a doctor. On his forum information page it clearly stated that he welcomes debate. So I posted evidence from some medical journals that he was wrong on a claim. So he banned me from his board, and posted on the board that I was a quack in violation of his own TOS, while telling people not to have any contact with me since he said I was a quack. Well a few of the people decided to ignore his statement and wrote e-mails to me. So I responded to these e-mails with what really happened. These people turned around and claimed I contacted them with unsolicited e-mails. Problem is that unless you are on the board you have no access to anyones e-mail. So how could I have contacted anyone on those boards if I did not have access to their e-mails Tony? The answer is simple, they contacted me first!!! And if I was out to contact his members why would I only e-mail two members instead of all of them even if I did have access to their e-mails. So again you need to get your facts straight Tony before posting, and stop trying to dig up whatever dirt you can find on me just to continue attacking me because of your petty vindictiveness. All you are doing with this and your PMs to people to recruit them to attack me is showing more an more what a low down slime-ball you really are!!! Of course you proved this to everyone with your bashing of Spud for the disease she has. That was so low I am surprised you even had the nerve to show your face again!!! |
Actually, the summary results of the initial Phase I study at MD Anderson Cancer Clinic were presented at the 2009 ASCO meeting, where, though the trial was conducted primarily to determine the maximum safe dose, it was noteworthy that 9 out of 20 patients already had their cancers stabilized after 2 months. After 6 months, only 2 patients had increased progression with new metasteses and only 1 other had increased clinical progression.
Here are a couple of images from the poster presentation at the meeting:
As regards safety issues, in addition to the above reported results of no grade 3 or higher adverse events and no significant cardiac events, the Phase I trials to determine the maximum safe amount of the patented oleander extract Anvizel never did reach a limiting dose, but rather was stopped when the dose reached an amount which was considered to be the maximum amount which could practically be injected. If oleander extract is so dangerous, where out of all the thousands of users, are the deaths and injury reports?
The only games being played here are the ones in your mind - where you perceive mere disagreements to be attacks against you and, after you launch into TOS violation attacks that have often been removed by the WM, you then pretend to be the poor victim when it is you that has repeatedly attacked those who have dared disagree with you.