Re: Natural Healing Burkitt's Lymphoma - HIV
My brother has Burkitt's Lymphoma and is HIV positive. He is in remission for the second time right now, but his dr fully expects the cancer to come back. I want to make him as strong as he can be so he is ready when it does. He really struggles with platelets and WBC. Can he take Sesame seed oil, papaya leaf extract and wheat grass juice together safely? What about alkaline water? Thanks.
Burkitt's lymphoma is another viral induced cancer caused by the Epstein Barre virus.
The best herbs for lymphoma viruses are chaparral, pau d' arco and andrographis especially when combined. They should be taken 3-4 times daily at least 20 minutes before meals. If using 'O' capsules the recommended dose would be 3 capsules and for 'OO' capsules 2 capsules 3-4 times daily.
If there is access to ozone therapy this is also great for destroying cancer viruses.
For the low white blood cells and platelets the herb suma will raise both of these quickly due to the organic germanium content, which helps with restoring the bone marrow.
Sesame seed oil, papaya leaf extract and wheatgrass juice can be taken together without an issue.
As for the alkaline water this is best avoided. I posted on this previously:
Alkaline waters inhibit nutrition absorption, damage the tissues, inhibit protein breakdown, increase the risk of infections since most pathogens thrive in an alkaline environment.