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Re: TheAdonis--Thank You (Silver...)
MH 108 Views: 2,065
Published: 14 y
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Re: TheAdonis--Thank You (Silver...)

OK, money is backed by nothing in all countries, but the japs built marble banks that are stacked to the ceilings with gold bars, same as the russians have deep vaults with tons of diamons and gold and surely the usa has tons of gold as well hidden from the public...

it only shows the top 1% seek gold and paper is worthless paper.......and those seeking gold desire to be in that top 1%.

I WILL NEVER EVER believe a country on earth is broke, they only play that game to CONTROL their PEASANTS......

MONEY / GOLD is has been for nearly 100 years now......what the wealthy seek is LAND, they divided this earth up like farmers with fields, each farming "US", we humans are wealth, not money or is US they farm...

"WE" the people are the only thing of value and farmers kill off what does not is that simple.

Got GOLD? The rich will take it from you.



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