Re: TheAdonis--Thank You (Silver...)
A 35% increase on your investment, not bad!
An astoundingly small percentage of the US public has precious metals squirreled away. Its not their fault, they were just never told the whys and hows of hedging against the falling dollar. As citizens of the US, they have only ever known the Dollar, which is a brand name in world finance, just like Nike and Coca-Cola are well known brand names. Wage slaves in the US go to work year after year, killing themselves for the ever worthless dollar, meanwhile:
The citizens of China are actively asked by their government to buy gold. They are not particularly endeared to their populace, the government just knows this is best for the county and government in the long run.
Families in India buy grams of gold as they can, even poorer families have 10 grams of gold hidden away. This gold is added to generationally and passed on to their offspring. The wedding season in India starts in the third week of November, causing gold sales to go crazy.
The peoples of the UK have to pay a premium to get precious metals imported into the country, and the peoples of the USA are bombarded with commercials to "Sell Your Gold Jewlery To Us Now!!!" Besides the fact that 43 million Americans are on food stamps, ever ask yourself why???
The head of Tunisia flees the country with pallets of gold on his airplane. Why not pallets of US Dollars?
Egypt forces their guy out of the country but not before he raids the gold storage and has it deposited in the banks of friendly countries! Why didn't he flee with billions of US Dollars?
The Saudis take US Dollars for oil, then immediately convert it to gold. Why not keep the US Dollars?
But in America, if you show someone a coin made out of gold or silver, its a curiosity! Many bank tellers and cashiers will get Mercury Dimes (worth $1.80+ each), and not even understand its worth. A 1930 Peace dollar or a 1914 Morgan dollar silver coin, even in fair condition, will buy you 5 gallons of gas, how much will a US Dollar buy you?
As the manipulations of the PM market are carried out by the bankers, the working man still has a chance to buy silver, the most electrically conductive metal known, with endless industrial uses. There is five to seven times the amount of gold above ground compared to silver, yet the average factory worker can still afford to get an ounce or two of silver weekly.
The acquisition of food, knowledge, books (the good ole fashioned paper kind), water purification, and people you trust should come before the acquisition of any precious metal.
And That Is All