Popcorn, potatoes,brown rice cakes feed the candida. Brown rice ive heard most web sites to avoid them altogether. Pumpkin seeds are a better choice than sunflower butter. Most sunflower butter has added sugar to it. Pumpkin seeds have no sugar and loaded with fiber/magnesium. Sunflower butter has some sugar.
Coconut oil is great as much as you can tolerate-up to 6 tablespoons a day ive heard. Olive oil is good to.
Careful with the almond milk some have calcium carbonate which will make you constipated and some almond milk has starches in it. I found it hard to find a clean almond milk free of junk in it. I had better resilts with jay robbs whey protein drink than almond milk. His whey protein only has 1 carb per serving and 0grams sugar.