Uny, Celery powder instead of sea salt? (plus edit)
Hi Uny and all,
In researching for my (probable) recent adrenal crash, I kept seeing lots and lots of recommendations for adding
Sea Salt to water for drinking. When I tried increasing my water intake since the crash, it didn't go all that well and I'd feel even more thirsty.
But I didn't want to go the salt way either from reading your/Schulze/Christpher's views on salt. I've read what Dr C said about
Celery juice. But I was wondering if adding
Celery powder to water might be an alternative to the
Sea Salt ? Adding a bit of
Celery powder to all the water for awhile. I've tried googling it but mostly just keep finding the salt recommendations.
Or maybe there is not enough sodium in celery powder to make a difference by adding some to water throughout the day? Before the crash, I was pretty consistant with 1/2 a gallon of water per day. But since the crash, I'm feeling not-so-good with the more water I'm trying to get back to drinking. I do juice some celery along with other things, but wondered if adding some celery powder would have similar effects like adding salt to water...?
Sorry, I know you are swamped helping many. But I've tried researching this and haven't gotten very much. I did find a recipe to dehydrate to make your own celery powder which I might try doing in the oven since I don't own a dehyrdator. But no sense in doing it if it won't really help.
Thanks for any thoughts you might have about this.
Edit to add: I'm not trying to find a bandaid. I know continued colon cleansing, liver and kidney flushing, etc are all important as well as supporting the adrenals like I've been. I just want to be able to drink the amount of water that I was before the crash. Hoping that adding celery powder to water would help instead of using salt. This whole thing probably isn't as clear as I want it to be...ugh...sorry.