Re: Question about DMSA protocol
It's really frustrating to see all of the stuff on the internet and not know who to believe. I remember reading websites which declared the oxygenated water is the best way to kill yeast. Then, I saw others which said that oxygenated water is nonsense since the extra O2 is lost as soon as the bottle is opened.
Does anybody know who the writer of that website actually is and why we should accept his opinion? I would also be interested in a summary of his protocol since he has a lot of trouble writing anything briefly or to the point. I'm willing to consider his opinion if I can actually understand it.
I can tell you that I've been chelating for more than 2 years now (starting with cilantro/chlorella and continuing with the Cutler Protocol), and I mostly feel better. My memory has improved, but it's a bit like a yo-yo with up and down periods (down is often during chelation). Compare this to 2 years ago when I wouldn't have any "up" periods. Other aspects of my health have clearly improved too, but I still have some trouble, especially during rounds of chelation, and especially with ALA.
I feel more social. I have much more energy. I am not temperature intolerant now. Before, my hands were like ice in even cool weather. Now, my fingers are still cold, but the rest of my hand is warm.
I had other symptoms (frequent canker sores, skin rashes, extremely dry skin, acne, and others) which went away after I started the anti-yeast diet. These symptoms sometimes return when I break the diet, but they are not too bad after 6 months of chelation.
Does anybody out there know somebody who was definitely "cured" of mercury trouble through the use of chelators? Or do you know anyone who was definitely hurt by the proper use of chelators?