ALA seems to mess me up- I remember taking it years ago not for chelation but just because it was supposed to be a good antioxidant. I didn't stay on it for very long as it didn't make me feel good and now I know why.
I DO have high copper so that may be part of it.
Stuff I'm taking:
-ALA/DMSA every 3 hours 100 mg each
Other stuff:
-zinc 100 mg/dau
-molybdenum 150 mcg/day
-vit B6 250 mg/day
-chromium 200 mcg/day
-vit C 4000-6000 mg/day
-NAC 1200 mg/day
I did the ARL hair mineral test and have ordered the rec'd supplements- will switch over to those when they arrive.
Any suggestions/comments?
Get a doctors data elements hair test. You have side effects from ALA because you are mercury toxic. Stop the NAC unless you know you need it(most mercury toxics dont). That is a lot of ALA/DMSA. I would lower the DMSA dose at least and would not exceed 1/2mg/lb of body weight unless you KNOW you tolerate it just fine. Then you may go up to 1mg/lb bodyweight. Keep in mind if you aren't too toxic you may tolerate larger doses than most.