Re: censorship on internet forums.
Once again, right on cue, you appear with yet another attempt to re-write history. As has been pointed out time and again, your post was deleted because it attempted to ressurect a topic that had already been thoroughly debated - your theory that most cancer is caused by viruses (and for the record, I have never once stated that viruses do not cause cancer, only that I disagree that most cancer is caused by viruses). In addition your deleted post took shots at me after I had just posted that we would not have the support forum hijacked by another prolonged debate and neither would I allow you to take shots at other members.
Support forums are not the place for extended debate, that is why we have debate forums - such as the Cancer Debate forum. Neither are support forums the place for people to resort to name calling and personal attacks (and in my opinion no forums are approptiate for such misbehavior). Your history has been to engage in long debates in support forums, which too often have turned ugly due to your apparent penchant for taking disagreement as a personal attack. I had no intention of seeing any repeat performances on the support forum I moderats. Thus, yes I did delete your defiant post and it had nothing to do with oleander, though you have pounced on that as a convenient angle to use to try to justify your actions - and I strongly suspect to also take more shots at me.
You subsequent complaint was thoroughly debated and discussed and it and your version of the truth was roundly rejected. You can keep trying to ressurrect your complaint from now to doomsday but that will not change the facts nor will it sway opinion.
In regards to your exposing a flaw about oleander, I would submit first of all that you know precious little about oleander other than knowing some of the compounds in it and that the raw plant is toxic. You have no idea of all of the compounds in oleander nor do you know how they may work synergistically to give the results that they do. To try to tell us that you can take one or more other herbs which contain some of the same compounds and get the same results is nothing more than speculation. The truth is that there are a great number of herbs and other plants which have benefits that cannot be completely duplicated by combining other herbs that contain some of the same compounds. Each plant and herb is unique. The actions of some of them cannot be duplicated other than using the original plant or herb. Oleander appears to be an example of that, regardless of what you may think.
But fess up, H. Your shots at oleander - such as your threat to expose the "truth" about oleander on your own forum in the deleted post and your subsequent threat in another post (also deleted, though not by me, for the threats and other inappropriate content) to make a series of Youtube videos exposing the truth about oleander are really just pettiness and vindictiveness on your part directed against me. The obvious reasons are because I have dared disagree with you and have enforced decorum in the forum I moderate which runs counter to your own agenda of engaging in prolonged debates in support forum and attacking others who disagree with you.
For the record, I do not moderate the Breast Cancer forum.
I note that you also tried to dredge your complaint back up again in the WM debate forum:
Just wondering, are you aware of the faux pas you committed in that post where you stated:
what I have said is 10% true!!!
Now there, imo, is finally some "truth".