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Re: Taking proteolytic enzymes without food to eliminate large protein food allergens from the bloodstream?
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Re: Taking proteolytic enzymes without food to eliminate large protein food allergens from the bloodstream?

yeah... It's a shame that restoring health can be so pricey.

but you're definitely on the right track. Even if your gut is fully healed, if the digestion isn't back up to par then eating 'normal' foods suddenly and too often could cause damage again.

I don't know much about that particular brand of enzyme supplement, I tried to find out about it but couldn't find much online other than that it's a primarily herbal/vegetarian supplement. It seems like it more stimulates your own production of enzymes than actually provides them, but again I'm not sure on that one.

For a diet, I think the main thing is that you need a little of everything, especially vegetables. So I would have veggies at every meal (primarily the darker, more nutrient dense ones). Have these cooked when you feel your digestion may be weak, or raw if you're feeling really hungry and know you can handle it.
Try to get animal protein in at one meal per day, even if it's just a little. I know you were sensitive to a lot, so choose what you still can. The main thing here is that you need both the vitamin b12 for digestion and some cholesterol to ensure adequate hormone production and healing.
And then you can add in some complex carbs in the form of either grains or legumes. These are necessary sources of many nutrients, and also supply the bulk of your carbs. Still, many people with leaky gut react heavily to many grains (I personally can't handle wheat, corn, and oats, so I tend toward legumes for most meals, but still have barley and rice occasionally)

I would make a point of avoiding anything too 'sweet' or simple as far as carbs. No white potatoes, not too many sweet peas or carrots. This keeps your energy levels balanced, helps avoid hypoglycemia, and also helps weaken and rule out any possible candida over time.


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