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Re: Taking proteolytic enzymes without food to eliminate large protein food allergens from the bloodstream?
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Re: Taking proteolytic enzymes without food to eliminate large protein food allergens from the bloodstream?

I'm going to have to answer your questions with a few more.

First, what is your current leaky gut regimen?

Also, you said that you've been passing some foods, but what is your stool consistency like otherwise? loose? dry? Difficult to eliminate?

Taking enzymes without food will not eliminate proteins that have already entered your bloodstream. Proteins that have already gone that far will be taken care of by your immune system, and you'll have some sort of immune response, inflammation, achiness, etc. if you notice it. Enzymes are good for preventing them from getting into your bloodstream to begin with though, to prevent that immune response and let your system heal.

The article does present one thing that I want to address. While it is true that raw foods contain abundant enzymes and thoroughly cooked ones do not, if your digestion is severely impaired you will likely need to eat primarily cooked foods for now, until you can build back up some. You will be getting less nutrition than raw foods can offer, but it will be easier for your body to assimilate.

also, please change your diet up a bit. Rice and carrots may work for now, but if you eat them all the time you will likely become sensitive to them as well. I know you feel like you don't have many options, but you just need to try new foods.


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