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Re: Taking proteolytic enzymes without food to eliminate large protein food allergens from the bloodstream?
Mr. Crab Views: 4,115
Published: 15 y
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Re: Taking proteolytic enzymes without food to eliminate large protein food allergens from the bloodstream?

I had been on spagyric medicine for around 3 months with many other high quality supplements only obtainable by my practitioner. I would undergo testing through kinesiology at every visit as to see what my body needs the most. I had been on a lot of glutamine and digestive tract "reviving" supplements which DID do a lot for me. I knew for sure that everything was getting better, it really was, but recently we're out of money and have no way to go back for another round. All inflammation and allergies were on their way to being non-existant.

Right now, all I can do and am doing is taking 4 grams of glutamine in the morning and make sure I cook and chew my food as well as possible. The thing is, I don't know whether or not my gut still needs healing. I am thinking the biggest thing right now is for me to digest as well as possible. I am taking Digestazon enzymes.

This past week, I've had some major digestive upset due to stress and poor combination of foods due to not having a lunch break at my new job. Before this, my stool was quite well formed, but occasionally looked quite "flaky" with the usual rice and carrot bits in there. It's usually a little loose from what I remember.

Thanks for the reply! What would you suggest I try to eat? Also, what do you think about rice cakes? That's what I eat whenever I am away from home..


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