Re: I Believe the Intent Has Been Censorship *EDIT*
Hello Moderator, if I may interject my thoughts.
It feels like there is too much Censorship going on here now. This is not a personal jab at you. *on EDIT (however, I do believe you are engaging in Censorship)*
I personally felt like the last person that complained about this Forum was intending to Censor Free Speech in my posts and others here. That is my very strong opinion.
Now it seems as if you may be unknowingly Moderating and editing posts to that person(s) taste. Maybe I am wrong but this is how I am viewing it according to what has happened here. You really cannot edit posts every single time a poster alerts a post, because those that do so may only intend Censorship. And Censorship will only kill this Forum.
This is a Debate Forum, and sometimes others don't always like what a person says, but that does not mean it always breaks TOS. If they don't like what they read sometimes they themselves will have to take the initiative to ignore a poster if they don't like what they write.
We cannot totally revolve around every single person's fragile feelings, they need to adjust as well. We cannot have someone pushing Censorship on this Forum. Again Moderator, that was not personally directed at you.
Anyway that's my opinion, for what it's worth.
*on EDIT Moderator, I take that back, after reading other posts here it appears that YOU are engaging in Censorship*