Re: a few more thoughts ...
Thank you for restoring my post, I would also like to draw your attention to several posts in that same thread, that have been edited by you.
I would like to know why these posts have been edited, and what
TOS they have breached, as from what I could see, none of the edited posts breached any
TOS at all.
For example:
This post originally said that society rewards domination and aggression by men. You have edited this and taken out the word men. I would like to know why, this does not breach any TOS, and it is not a personal attack on anyone.
This is a comment, (one that can be backed up by many psychological and sociological studies), and it is also my opinion, which is perfectly valid.
The meaning I wished to convey in this post has been completely changed, by your editing.
IMO, there has been no breach of
TOS at all, on this forum, since you began moderating, but there has been a lot of hiding and editing.
I realise that I am not a moderator here, so perhaps my opinion is worth little, but it was my understanding that a moderator's job is to enforce TOS, not censor members posts.
I moderate my own forum here, so I do know what is required when moderating.