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Re: differences between Blood Cleaner and Zappers

Blood Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

calzone Views: 11,756
Published: 15 y
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Re: differences between Blood Cleaner and Zappers

If you talk about Beck BE you should stick to original Robert Beck papers, as he designed it. He never mentioned any frequency effect. The original Kaali patent was about pure DC current. Beck has chosen AC 4Hz only to avoid electrolysis.

You try to think about Beck BE using Clark's logic, that is wrong. However, you're right about harmonics coming from square wave - they do exist and according to Clark/Rife theory they MIGHT have some effect.

But looking from straight Beck's point of view, frequency simply does not matter, amount of current does.

Try to think this way: from Clark's perspective Beck BE may be working due to harmonics (many sinusoidal frequencies combined into square wave). Therefore Clarks followers may have some respect for Beck devices.

From Beck perspective the effectiveness of Clarks devices depends only of amount of current delivered into blood. If this is enough, than OK. Robert Beck himself describes it it this way (quotation from his oroginal paper):

"The most reasonable theory of why electrification is so surprisingly effective for so many conditions lies in the now-proven fact that when correctly applied directly into blood (not into other body tissue like palms of hands, soles of feet, or organs) it neutralizes all microbes, pathogens, fungi, parasites, viruses, bacteria, mycotoxins and coexisting foreign lifeforms and alien invaders and their byproducts. This should never be confused with Royal Rife or Hulda Clark tech nology. Effective results are
found to require a minimum of 27 Volts under load with low impedance output which must deliver up to several milliamperes measurable current into skin to produce the required 50 to 100 microamperes internally through blood after the inevitable series resistance losses through vessel walls plus several layers of tissue. Electrical currents in blood can be measured with an ac microamp meter by IR drop using partially insulated hypodermic needles inserted ~6 inches apart into the same artery. Clark’s “syncro zap" running at her standard 30 khz (considered many octaves too high to be effective) actually measures only ~2.6V peak to peak under load (~2000 ohms) at palms. This is an order of magnitude too low to have any real effect beyond placebo. The syncro-zapper's current is unmeasurable directly in the blood and physically cannot produce the essential 50 to 100 mA required internally. This may only mask readouts of parasite presence radionically. Unfortunately the live bugs remain
undisturbed and are still there and will still be observed in stool and microscopic blood diagnosis"

So now you see that Robert Beck was rather sceptical about zappers effectiveness.


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