Re: differences between Blood Cleaner and Zappers
>> and inventor of zapper should be the source of info on zapper.
>> I’m not a specialist of
Hulda Clark devices, so tried to (over)simplify the base of her claims as being directly related to frequency, as from her point of view frequency is of primary importance. Maybe you can explain it better? I'm sure you can :-)
Here is an extract, page 14 of “The Cure OF All Diseases” – H.R.Clark, inventor of zapper
«In 1994 my son built a hand held, battery operated, accurate frequency generator. The purpose was to enable everyone to kill the intestinal fluke at 434,000 Hz with a low cost device. Enough benefit would be derived from zapping at various frequencies that I thought everyone should know how to make one. When I tested it on one of my own bacteria, however, three others at much different frequencies died also! This had never happened before. When I tested it on others, even though they had dozens of pathogens, all were killed!
Subsequent testing showed it was not due to some unique design, or special wave form produced by the device. It was due to battery operation!»
Last sentence is of the utmost importance for the so called use of frequency on the H. Clark’s basic effect :
“It was due to battery operation!”
Meaning Direct Current, and nothing else.
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