I'm latin. What can I say. It's a genetic thing...................;+D Actually my dad was always real nice and sweet to the ladies so I guess I'm a chip off the ole block.
Photography is my real love and vocation though I haven't done that "commercially" for a while as my main source of income. I still do it as fine art and you can see my work @ http://botanicalabstracts.com/
Juicer and stuff like exercise equipment are things people get real excited about buy it, use it for 6 months and then just it sits on the shelf and never use again so many wind up being sold pretty cheap. On a real quick look I found a Championon Ebay with "Buy it now" of $99" it's "no reserve auction" so you can prolly get it even cheaper.
There are many other Champions for sale on Ebay. Just checked Craigs in Toronto and there are only 2 Champion and they are asking way too much for used machines even taking into account the curent exchange ($.95 = $1).
Wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser with lots of Chlorophyl. The nausea and headaches are a Herxheimer reaction where more toxins are released at once than your body can handle. Many folks need to build up and start with 1/2 oz and gradually do more. The other thing as with anything else we eat or drink is to swish it around your mouth a bit before swallowing so it mixes well with saliva to get the digestive process started. Most folks down the wheatgrass like a shot of Tequila ;+D. try swishing around real good next time you try it.