Very cool that you've gotten this far. Funny to hear that 40 days are "going by so fast" when the vast majority of what you see here is people barely whining their way through 10 days and even cooler that you are going the distance on your very 1st try. You serve as a shinning example that it's 99% mental attitude. Good on ya girlie ;+D
At this stage while there is always something to be gained the dif between 40 and 45 would be negligeble. The sad part about ending a long fast is fairly common. It's partly like separation anxiety and also facing up to the reality that now comes the "real" task of making all those daily decisions. Use that good attitude/energy that got you this far and look foward to all the new discoveries you'll be making.
You are going to want to take at least a week to break the fast and the next week taking it real easy and eating light ,easy to digest food to get digestion and eliminations back to normal. Once your poops are regular you can consider the Liver Cleanse. Fasting depletes the beneficial bacteria in the gut so you wanna do probiotics. For me it has become a habit and I have some Kefir mixed with juice daily.
Getting into good balanced nutrition has a pretty steep learning curve. Add a busy active life and it gets a little more difficult. For me I supplement daily with a super smoothie to cover my bases and I try to get in at least 12 to 16 OZ of fresh made veggie juice. This is in addition to raw whole foods.
The supplements I use are all "food" based. No nutraceuticals added. The #1 mega supplement I use is called Vega. It was dsigned by a world class triathelete. The nutritional profile is amazing and it even has fiber. My morning smoothie consists of 8 oz apple juice or nut milk. 4 oz of kefir. one scoop of Vega. 2 Tbsp of hemp oil which provides a much negleted part of vegan nutrition which are essential fatty acids. Put that in a blender and add 1/2 or more tray of ice. That is the basic super smoothie. When I wanna make it a Uber Super smoothie to the preceding I add 1 or 2 tsp of Maca. One scoop of Garden Of Life "Perfect Food RAW". 1/2 tsp spirulina and last but not least 2 Tbsp of hemp protein. The later recipe is what I've been doing the last coupla months to help me get through some serious stress I'm going through. Many days this and maybe a salad and or a veggie juice is all I need and I know I got my bases covered. Specially if I get a veggie juice in and then I know I am also getting a megadose of live ezymes and phytonutrients. BTW to get a little more specific and now get into flavors I use the Chai Vanilla flavor of the Vega and strawberry flavored Kefir. This mix is delicious and I look forward to it as a treat and not something I have to make myself down for nutritions sake. Everyone I've let taste my concoction also loves the flavor. When I do the Uber_Super smoothie I put in a whole tray of ice. This both dilutes it and the ice will make it thick enough you'll hafta use a spoon. If you don't add ice you'll want to add at least 8 oz of water to the above recipe cause it can get a bit thick with all those powders.
Not broth and lemonade but OJ and broth. After the 4th day of regular break you can start adding veggies to the broth. The following week salads juices etc.
Remember the key word on the smoothies is "supplements" . They are an "aid" and not the main focus. You gonna get a juicer?
I'm not a dairy person either and the Kefir is my one concession because it is a "cultured" product which means the lactose and other dairy components are predigested. Sometimes you can also find coconut milk Kefir, Goats milk Kefir and lactose free Kefir so you do have some choices.
Little ole me a hardass?? Naw. I'm just a straight ahead, no nonsense, "straight no chaser" kinda guy ;+D
If I'm not mistaken the Brevilles are centrifugal juicers and that type is the least desireable cause they don't do well with leafy greens, soft fruits and they won't do wheat grass at all. The #1 choice are auger type juicers as they get the most from leafy greens,will do wheat grass and you can even use them to make nut butters. Short of a Norwalk Press they get the most and highest quality juice from all veggies. I have an older Omega 2003 and it does a great job but it's a bit slow. Omega just came out with a new design called the Vert that is getting very good reviews. Type "Omega Vert" on YouTube search engine and you'll see demos.
I can't even imagine not having citrus juicer when doing the MC. They can be had in the $10 to $15 range and besides making it much faster and easier you can get a lot more juice from the lemons and easily and it will pay for itself.
The tendency is to sleep more though it can vary for me. Fasting is a time for rest so I indulge in sleeping more whenever I am able to when fasting.
Be easy on those P90X workouts untill you are back on regular foods. Those are pretty intense workouts. You pretty much hafta be somewhat fit to even do that program.
Forget the small portion calorie counting mentality. It's not about quantity but QUALITY. Think in term of nutritionaly dense foods. If you do the supplements I recomended they will give you a pretty good base coverage. Combine that with juicing and that is an awesome nutritional base while you learn more about nutritionally dense whole food nutrition.
Be patient but diligent on the weight thing. Slow and steady is the healthiest way to loose weight and weight that will stay off. The P90x stuff is very cardio oriented so that will be of great help to get your metabolism back up after the fast but take it easy till you're back eating regular. In terms of "supermodel" I hope that you are thinking about the beautiful well proportioned ones and not some of the anorexic looking ones that look like junkies. Fairly recent I've seen some fashion layouts that the models looked like junkies. Those have never been lasting trends and I think in terms of fashion marketing they are more meant to shock and attract attention. BTW I'm a photographer and a good while back did shoot some fashion when I lived in Miami.
I bet your friends are already amazed at your physical changes while cleansing. Bet your skin looks/feels fab. The supplemental Hemp oil I recommended will help with keeping the skin nice and smooth and elastic. In a coupla more months if you kick butt with the P90x and get into really good nutrition I promise that many folks will prolly not even recognize you.
Once you get to where you are pleased with your improvements those p90x workouts will take lot of dedication and time. Czech into Slow Weight training. You'll only need to do it once maybe twice a week to maintain and the workouts last only 30 mins or so. If you do it right and don't cheat it will kick your butt and give you a really intense workout that will have you breathing like a plow horse. There is a pretty easy read book on it called "The Power of 10" by Adam Zickerman
"Tight body", "50s cocktail dress" mmm mmm mmmmm sounds hot and sexy ;+D. My mom was a good looking woman and very fashionable. I love to look at the pixs of my parents from the 50s. My mother and aunt were very talented high couture seamstreses and they always had the latest French and Italian Vogues and would make their own paterns and whip out the latest euro fashions for some of the creme de la creme socialites in Cuba before Castro. I also enjoy the 50s styling in Madmen.
For used juicers look at your local Craigs list or the bulletin boards in health food stores. There is also Ebay. I have always bought my juicers used. This latest Omega I bought from a bulleting board at my local Whole Foods and I only paid $100 ($249 new). The oldest brand that is a real workhorse thats been around since the late 50s almost unchanged are the Champion juicers. They are slightly below in juice quality from the auger types and since they've been around for so long they're the most common ones found used. Last year a friend got one on Ebay for $75. They have few moving parts, a really powerful motor and very little can go wrong with them. They are also very fast, efficient and easy to clean. The only short coming for me is that it won't do wheatgrass otherwise I can highly recommend them. It was my juicer of choice and what I used for many years. Bought it used for $75 also from a healthfood store bulletin board.
It's great to read and share your enthusiasm. It's a great kick in the butt reminder for me to get busy myself.
Onward and upwards------>>>>
I'm latin. What can I say. It's a genetic thing...................;+D Actually my dad was always real nice and sweet to the ladies so I guess I'm a chip off the ole block.
Photography is my real love and vocation though I haven't done that "commercially" for a while as my main source of income. I still do it as fine art and you can see my work @
Juicer and stuff like exercise equipment are things people get real excited about buy it, use it for 6 months and then just it sits on the shelf and never use again so many wind up being sold pretty cheap. On a real quick look I found a Champion on Ebay with "Buy it now" of $99" it's "no reserve auction" so you can prolly get it even cheaper.
There are many other Champions for sale on Ebay. Just checked Craigs in Toronto and there are only 2 Champion and they are asking way too much for used machines even taking into account the curent exchange ($.95 = $1).
Wheatgrass is a powerful cleanser with lots of Chlorophyl. The nausea and headaches are a Herxheimer reaction where more toxins are released at once than your body can handle. Many folks need to build up and start with 1/2 oz and gradually do more. The other thing as with anything else we eat or drink is to swish it around your mouth a bit before swallowing so it mixes well with saliva to get the digestive process started. Most folks down the wheatgrass like a shot of Tequila ;+D. try swishing around real good next time you try it.
The Ebay link I sent was one that just caught my eye on a quick glance and I didn't read the details about no intn'l shipping. There were lots of others to and I'm sure some would ship to Canada
Yep wheatgrass is definitely an "acquired" taste. When I first tried it I thought it tasted like freshly mowed lawn ;+D Now I actually like it. If you mix it with apple juice it's also much more palatable.
No lax tea or SWF during the ease out. You want your system to get back to normal functions. Sometimes it takes a while to establish regular elimiations since your digestive track has been dormant all this time. Just make sure that you are drinking half your body weight in oz of H2O to make sure you are well hydrated.