Re: Day 32 (of 40 - or more?)
Be easy on those P90X workouts untill you are back on regular foods. Those are pretty intense workouts. You pretty much hafta be somewhat fit to even do that program.
Forget the small portion calorie counting mentality. It's not about quantity but QUALITY. Think in term of nutritionaly dense foods. If you do the supplements I recomended they will give you a pretty good base coverage. Combine that with juicing and that is an awesome nutritional base while you learn more about nutritionally dense whole food nutrition.
Be patient but diligent on the weight thing. Slow and steady is the healthiest way to loose weight and weight that will stay off. The P90x stuff is very cardio oriented so that will be of great help to get your metabolism back up after the fast but take it easy till you're back eating regular. In terms of "supermodel" I hope that you are thinking about the beautiful well proportioned ones and not some of the anorexic looking ones that look like junkies. Fairly recent I've seen some fashion layouts that the models looked like junkies. Those have never been lasting trends and I think in terms of fashion marketing they are more meant to shock and attract attention. BTW I'm a photographer and a good while back did shoot some fashion when I lived in Miami.
I bet your friends are already amazed at your physical changes while cleansing. Bet your skin looks/feels fab. The supplemental Hemp oil I recommended will help with keeping the skin nice and smooth and elastic. In a coupla more months if you kick butt with the P90x and get into really good nutrition I promise that many folks will prolly not even recognize you.
Once you get to where you are pleased with your improvements those p90x workouts will take lot of dedication and time. Czech into Slow Weight training. You'll only need to do it once maybe twice a week to maintain and the workouts last only 30 mins or so. If you do it right and don't cheat it will kick your butt and give you a really intense workout that will have you breathing like a plow horse. There is a pretty easy read book on it called "The Power of 10" by Adam Zickerman