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Re: Jamie's new food revolution

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 15 y
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Re: Jamie's new food revolution

 I agree and don't have an issue with the honest folk who take advantage of assistance. But like I said, those are the ones who buck up when the going gets tough and come out on top. Being in a Church community is another way to get through hard times.

It's widespread because it lacks oversight and it is WAAYYY too easy to get benefits. I overheard a conversation just last week about how this guy lost his job and has been on unemployment for over a year. He was talking about how he was playing video games as he was filing for the money online. He just made up jobs that he "applied for", sent it all in, and watched about 400 dollars roll in each week. Said he hadn't even been looking for a job at all. I've heard similar stories like this over and over again.

I agree there are people who take advantage of the system and I this is a problem.  My point is though is that we do not know the situation every one on assistance is in.  So people should be less judgmental about those on assistance.  Not everyone on assistance is abusing the system.

Although I have also seen some people on assistance that want to work but would not get as much money if they go to work and lose their assistance.  This is something else that needs to change.  Maybe they can change it to if someone has the opportunity to work that they can do a sliding scale on their assistance so they can maybe learn a new skill and get pay raises before their assistance is cut off.  This would be better than just cutting them off at some point with no new job skills to go with.



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