Having worked in a high school setting for emotionally challenged teens for years, I can offer a bit of insight. I have soap boxed this issue for years... especially since so many of the students have children. I can tell you that EASE of preparation wins out EVERY time over good sense and knowledge. I showed videos of the horrors of processed food... Food Inc, Super-Size Me, m-a-n-y videos obatained from free documentary sights, you tube videos, articles.... you name it, about the food they are eating. I talked about GMO, pesticides, sugar,.... well... ALL of it. The kids were very interested, but the wisdom fell flat when it was time to choose what to eat. EASE won out EVERY time. The food manufacturers have done a g-r-e-a-t job of getting the masses to choose convenience over good sense and health. The evidence will only be seen when this generation is about 40.... their health problems will bring in big dollars for the octopus of our entire medical system. I told every student this... and said that they would remember my words when they were caught in the web of illness and bottles of pills a few years down the road.