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Re: Lemon juice
lisag Views: 4,865
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 169,243

Re: Lemon juice

the nausea is from the large amount of bile which gets produced from eating all the olive oil. it can move into the stomach pretty quickly, hence the nausea. That's what andreas says.

Whether you get nauseous is independent of whether the flush works, lots of people have great flushes without feeling ill, and others feel ill and don't get out alot of stones. i have actually thrown up most of the OO (Olive-Oil) mixture, and still gotten out some stones.

Sometimes it takes a few dud flushes to get things going. If you consistently don't get out stones, check out, they have some herbal mixtures to help things out. also, andreas has said, and i've experienced this - if your bowel isn't working - sluggish, not processing food completely, etc., you'll get out less stones.

nobody here is trying to 'make you flush.' i have complete faith that you'll find your own best plan, whether that includes flushing at this time, or not. there is alot of experience here on this forum, you've gotten some really nice answers.

i especially enjoyed your point about cod liver oil not swimming around in the ocean in little capsules. great chuckle.



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