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Re: Probiotics, AND...Re: I think this is die-off, but not sure- also question about ordering, thx:)
*foods* such as *garlic* that have traditionally been believed to be antibacterial, actually only change the expression of the bacteria from pathogenic to beneficial or commensal...
bacteria have a phenomenal ability to adapt to changes in their environments very quickly... Bechamp knew this... over 150 years ago. I believe, without looking it up, that his term for this change in expression was pleomorphism.
Bacteria can have up to 300x more genes than humans enabling them to do this... there is also horizontal gene transfer or transduction amongst bacteria\fungi and host cells... and can create a *virus* when a mistake is made.
That is why filthy confinement livestock practices (and hospitals - which are nothing but a *sick* human confinement practice) are drug\
Antibiotic resistant bacteria and virus breeding grounds.
This form of livestock *production* needs to end.
Terrain... health is about your terrain.