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Re: Interesting Debate we Have here!'s my final take Re: My Experience with Stones..They ARE real!
Hveragerthi Views: 7,263
Published: 14 y
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Re: Interesting Debate we Have here!'s my final take Re: My Experience with Stones..They ARE real!

 I understand where both sides are coming from. However, Hv, I do have to side with Liver Flushes work side. Here's why.

I think its almost a moot point to really argue if its possible that 
Gallstones are able to get out through the ducts for a couple reasons.

1. Reason 1: Look at the surveys people ARE getting SO much healthier and cure anything from Lupus

Lupus has NOTHING to do with the gallbladder.  Lupus is a viral induced autoimmune condition. Autoimmunity results from adrenal dysfunction.  So again these are totally unrelated.

to eczema.

Eczema also has NOTHING to do with the gallbladder.

That's what I like to call EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE..

No, that is called nothing.  I could claim that 100% of these people were breathing air, so it must have been the air that cured them. That would be more evidence than hearsay.

It has nothing to do with theorys or 'hypothesis' or petri dishes or anything like has to deal with what is happening in REAL LIFE..REAL PEOPLE who are breathing and sharing their success stories.

Which again is not evidence.  It DOES NOT take in to account other things the person may have done such as changed their diet, or reduced stress.  And it does not take in to account placebo effect. So that is not in any shape or form evidence.  Evidence would be explaining how taking some olive oil and citric acid killed the virus that triggered the lupus or built up the adrenals to prevent the formation of low affinity antibodies.  After all that is what it would take to cure lupus.  So explain how the olive oil did any of this with a rational explanation if you want to convince me that the flushes really work.

SO you THEN have to ask is the 'risk' of this protocol worth the results people are getting? Well once again looking at the survey results..less than 2% of people regret taking the Liver Flush and those could be even less if they had done proper prep like colon and parasite cleansings and even a 
kidney cleanse to ensure that the big cluster of toxins you just released gets eliminated by the body efficiently and quickly (there chief complaint is nausea.)

2. SO IS THE LIVER FLUSH SAFE? ...and that answer you have to admit is YES! 1 in a 1000 people have reported a 'stuck' stone. I would call that a pretty F'ing good healing protocol. And that person just flushed again the next day and the stone passed.

No, that just goes to PROVE that most of these people DID NOT have REAL gallstones to begin with. It is a very simple concept.  You cannot lodge a real gallstone in the bile ducts if you do not have real gallstones to begin with.  Even Spud pointed out the other day that she had her gallbladder tested BEFORE doing a flush. There were NO gallstones present, but when she did the "liver flush" she got those squishy little stones.  Now that is solid evidence that the flushes are bogus.

Moral of the story when looking at ANY healing protocol.

1. Is it safe? ..Check.

Yes, as long as you don't have any real gallstones, which apparently is the norm for most people doing the flushes.

2. Do the benefits > risks ...that is not debatable either

Passing saponified olive oil and sterol-cholesterol stones formed in the intestines is a benefit?  And this does not outweigh the risk of emergency surgery if you lodge a real stone in the bile ducts or rupture a duct like the case I posted?  

3. Its been used by many SUCCESSFUL HEALERS such as 
Hulda Clark ,Dr. Schulze , Andreas Moritz ...

Again a matter of opinion.

Let's start with Hulda Clark.  She had absolutely NO IDEA what she was talking about.  For example she claimed parasites caused all cases of cancer, which is totally bogus.  In fact parasitical cancers are EXTREMELY rare. The vast majority are viral in origin, which again has been scientifically proven unlike Clark's claims.  Then she claims if this same parasite gets in the pancreas it causes diabetes and in the thymus causes AIDS.  ALL of these claims are total garbage, and I have addressed them before:

On Dr. Schulze:

On Moritz:


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