I know there is a strong debate out there about whether or not those green stones floating in the toilet are indeed liver or gallbladder stones. I found out early on I had Gallstones and tried Chinese herbs to dissolve them but they didn't go away..then I found the LIVER FLUSH! and now they are completely gone! MY STORY IS HERE (its a RRR) :) --> www.curezone.com/forums/fm.asp
ANYWAYS MY ARGUMENT FOR liver flushes...I did the first 11 and got hundreds and I mean hundreds each time. My last two (12 and 13) I got no stones..yet I still drank the same olive oil and lemon/grapefruit mixture that hulda clark/moritz recommend. So if it really is the case that somehow the olive oil combines in the intestines and changes "MAGICALLY??" into stones then this is yet another proof that THEY REALLY ARE STONES THAT COME OUT VIA THE LIVER and now that my liv/GB is clean I don't get anymore!