Alternative medicines are not widely accepted by the medical field for a simple reason. Unsubstantiated claims. When people make claims and don't back them with evidence then attack anyone providing evidence to the contrary this just hurts the whole alternative movement. Therefore the unsubstantiated claims do more damage to the movement of alternative medicine than even Stephen Barret from Quackwatch can do. In part because they give people like Barrett the ammunition to attack alternative medicine. And as quackery gets exposed and still promoted it just gives the rest of the medical establishment a great mistrust of alternative medicine. But the testimonials of people claiming that they passed quarter sized stones (which is physically impossible), and passed stones that float (real stones sink) and that are soft and squishy (real stones are hard faceted) just further make alternative medicine look even less credible. Especially when the people who actually sent in these so-called "stones" in to a real lab to have them analyzed found out that they were not gallstones. But again people here ignore the evidence and keep promoting what has already been proven untrue hurting everyone else who are trying to get proven alternatives accepted.