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Re: My Experience with Stones..They ARE real!
Hveragerthi Views: 7,253
Published: 14 y
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Re: My Experience with Stones..They ARE real!

 Well how about when people do coffee enemas and or just take someEpsom Salts ...AND THEY GET STONES! What then?

Being that coffee enemas, nor Epsom salts cause gallbladder contractions to begin with they would have NO effect on getting real gallstones out of the gallbladder.  

I don't know of an explanation there except that they ARE stones in the gb

What about the sterols in the coffee forming a cholesterol-sterol complex just as olive oil sterols do?

The best evidence that flushes do not work is in the main page for this forum.  In the upper left corner is a photo.  When you click on that photo it pulls up another photo of some supposed gallstones. Notice they say that the largest "stone" is 3.2cm, which is 3,200mm.  Even if you took a truck load of Epsom salts the maximum the bile ducts can expand is around 2-4mm.  So why don't you explain the impossible to all of us.  How would someone pass a real gallstone that is 3,200mm in size through a 4mm hole maximum?


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