My uterus is tilted too!Luckily my doctor seemed to know what she was doing and both inserted and removed my device without any pain at all - I did have to almost elevate my butt off the table however, which wasn't very ladylike!
AND i had a big problem with hair loss after my third baby - not so much the other two. my hair is fine but I do usually have lots of it. I did suffer with noticeable thin patches in the front temple area mostly, but know that I lost it all over from the amount I kept finding all over the house!
I think my hormones were bonkers during my last pregnancy as I was sooooo sick, dizzy often and even developed motion sickness, which was a real pain! i had very heavy periods pretty much after the birth of my third daughter to the point where I had the mirena. (Hindsight is a wonderful thing!)I was severely anaemic during this time and my doc thought it would sort this out - which it did, I guess.