I have a question about this drink (have fibro, cfs restless leg etc etc etc)
*Alkalyzing Drink: the juice of 1/4-1/2 of a lemon (I assume it should be a real lemon, not bottled)
* 1-6 or more (start out slow) Tablespoons of Pickling Lime *Water (what is pickling lime water?) (1 Tablespoon of *Pickling Lime diluted into 1 Gallon of Distilled Water),
1-3 Tablespoons of Blackstrap Molasses, (is that ok to take even w/ candida? - the sugar and all?)
*1 Tablespoon of high quality, cold water kelp (Is dried PARKELP ok? and it tastes really badly - any suggestions on how to get it down?)