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Re: Regarding 65 Day Cleanse

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

pepe Views: 2,541
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Re: Regarding 65 Day Cleanse

The biggest thing about fasting it the minsdset you have when you go into it. If you look at it as depriving youself and somekinda hardship or I can't imagine doing 40 days then it's not likely you'll stick to it. I can guarantee you that if you do do it it will not be like anything you imagined. I delight in the mental state and feeling of lightness of the long fasts. One of the biggest benefits I've found is the mental aspects that start happening past the 3 week period where the internal dialog starts to quiet down and understanding starts happening from a non verbal perspective. Many with a religious streak will put a spiritual spin on it. I'm the pragmatic, realistic type and look at things from a more earthy practical perspective and not attribute things on some intangible mythical belief system. Besides the mental thing is the "obvious" benefit of a deeper cleanse and allowing the digestive system to rest. For me all of this works on an intuitive level.

One of the reasons I went into fasting was I was having lots of issues with kidney stones to the point that it was more that just the pain of the stones passing but my system would go into evacuation mode where I couldn't even drink water without puking it up. To add to that I had an accident and had to be on antibiotics for a couple of months that just left me very weak and just plain unhealthy cuase antibiotics not only kill the bad bacterias but also the ones that are  beneficial. The other issue was chronic shoulder and wrist pains that were threatening to put an end to my white water canoeing passion.

Originally I just started a juice fast and then while researching I found this forum and the MC and intuitively changed over at day 5. I credit those 5 days of pre MC juice fasting as a great pre MC cleanse that helped me breeze through my 1st MC where I went on to 40 days.

Besides the above It's also a matter that if I'm going to go through all the effort and social isolation of a fast since a lot revolves around food I'm just gonna "git'er done". The food and the friends will still be there when I'm done. After the 1st MC my shoulder and wrist pains disapeared and I've not had any more kidney stones in 9+ years. I towed the line with a passion for 5 +/- years eating super healthy doing all the other cleanses and going to the gym at first as much as 5 to 6 days a week. It was the healthiest I've ever felt but alas during these hard economic times the poop hit the fan for me and all kinds of stress was added to my life and I started back sliding gradually but particulalrly bad in  the last 3+ years. I say bad by my standards but not by average american standard diet. Stress can really do a number on your immune system and overall health and while not out of the woods I've just had to take charge of my health for a respawning or I would have really gotten sick. At this point I've got a 30+dayer under my belt and have been strict at least 95% raw for close ot 4 weeks now. I have 3 specific issues that I'm dealing with but I've opened up a bag of live food whoop ass on them and I'm happy to say that things are going very well. I just gotta get well enough to get back to the gym to seal the deal. BTW  I've posted a couple of recipes in the raw food forum @






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