Re: My thoughts
>>"They can separate oil from water and could do so on a large scale."<<
this is not just *oil* and *water*... it is (or was) salt water that once teamed with life including beneficial microorganisms (except for the fluctuating gulf dead zone)... it will continue to team with microorganisms... but the kind that suck up oxygen... not good.
And then... how do you separate out the dispersants?
And then... you can never get it all... it has already started encircling the planet...
Throwing VOCS and gases into the atmosphere while further reducing the oxygen content in the water and surrounding air... sounds like a killer to me.
separating oil from water is one thing... making sure it goes back into the seas as it once was, or should be is another... whether by design, planned, or not they screwed the pooch big time on this one.
I cannot wrap my head around the idea that what is occurring was on purpose... perhaps a *controlled* event, yes - okay -* a false flag that got away from them... perhaps; I will give you that... this is anything but a controlled event and will never be *controlled* unless they happen to achieve some success with the relief wells. I say some due to the obvious releases from the fissures... perhaps completely independent from the pipeline itself... they cap one... pressure increases along with volume in other discharges. In addition, the environmental mess, profound loss of food sources, Sea and land crops, etc. will be unfathomable and last for decades.
>>"Watch where this all leads because that will be the design behind the event."<<
Sure... I am sure you listened to Sheehan's little speech... she almost sounds as if she's a huge part of it asking for government control of these businesses... or she is just very misguided and not very bright.
IMO - we are on our own... I am not asking the government for nothing... Nadda... Zilch...
People\citizens asking, and voting for their government (whether here or in another country) to do for them (gimme, gimme, gimme) is what led to this mess in large part.
Those folks should be asking for forgiveness right now IMO...