Re: After using for a few weeks all my skin is dry and no sweat?
>>"to be honest im pretty scared.. my body is not able to regulate its temperature properly.. I feel like im getting hot but then no sweat comes out and it feels almost dangerous like i could overheat easily..
is it possible the magnesium blocked my sweat glands or damaged them?"<<
No... it is most likely the chloride blocking the sweat... aluminum chloride is an antiperspirant.
>>"the thing is ive also had dry mouth, and i never sprayed it in my mouth .. so maybe they are not connected?"<<
Most likely they are connected.
>>"ive had other symptoms as well since stopping use of mag oil.. some muscle twitches and changes in body oder smell and urine."<<
Sodium chloride is known to cause muscle twitching... so is too little or too much chloride.
>>"but I have been using a fair amount of salt lately (good quality salt mind you).. as I believe ive had some adrenal issues and I heard that people with adrenal problems need more salt.
>>"but maybe i need to back off of it for a while and see if I improve."<<
Like I stated in my first post... you are getting far too much chloride... cut all chloride out, including any processed or canned foods with salt in them, (except for natural food sources) for a while and see for yourself.
It is the only way to find out.