Re: Natural Foods and Supplements That Quickly Help Lower Your Blood Pressure/EDIT
I think all the stuff you are using is great. It's stuff going "IN". What my problem with diabetes 2 was, was a backed up liver and stones and pancreatic flukes in my pancreas. I had to get the mind set of taking stuff "OUT" that was causing the disease. From
Hulda Clark s discoveries that all diseases are caused by chemical poisons and parasites. So cleaning out the colon as well as the liver was instrumental in allowing the body to heal because of getting rid of toxins that are the cause of disease. Drugs do nothing but make the liver and body more toxic. Tehy distroy the digestive system. They'll get you in the end.
Since you are on medication, doing any cleaning out protocols would necessitate you weaning yourself off your medications for blood pressure or diabetes. I have weaned myself off insulin as it takes a while to heal and regenerate the pancreas. Tissue specific herbs do that. Same, same with the blood pressure medicine. All that you mention sounds very good, but I would clean out and wean myself off medications before I added any natural things that interfered with the chemical drugs.
Distilled water will clean out arteries over time.
The heart of the matter for me was cleaning out my body of disease causing chemical poisons and parsites and allowing the nutrients to get to the cells as well as allowing the cells to eliminate the disease causing toxins. When that happens, the cells can regenerate. Our health is obtained and retained on a cellular level.
EDIT: BTW, a backed up liver will cause kidney problems and eventually kidney failure. It's realted to liver circulation. All the other diabetic symptoms are related to circulation and chemical poisoning and backed up liver that has stones,
parasites and debris in it that's been collected over a lifetime. I found my answers in cleaning it all out. I don't have diabetes anymore.