Re: Natural Foods and Supplements That Quickly Help Lower Your Blood Pressure
Hi there!
I wanted to thank you for your response and I totally agree: "Each individual is unique, and our bodies will each react differently." That is so true.
And I agree that breathing exercizes and the walking also help greatly. I have also done those things, too.
> But - what I was referring to was bringing your blood pressure down Quickly - and Simply. With a Quick and Simple Way!
Sometimes for one reason or another - people need to bring their Blood Pressure Quicky - and the things you suggested are very good - but they are for Long-Range Therapy.
I believe you should include those things - as well as get on a good diet that eliminates Fried Foods and Lowers - Not - Eliminates yur salt intake. Because - like Cholestoral restriction - your body tries to adjust for the lack of sodium or cholestrol and you wind up with a worse condtion - namely more cholestrol or Goiter!
*I do not Disagree with you - but I hope you understand that my post was for those who like my husband and myself - are frustrated at not being able to find a Quick, SIMPLE, and Natural solution to their high blood pressure.
*** And - I neglected to state that - > You Have To Take All The Things I Mentioned - TOGETHER AT ONE TIME - NOT Separately for it it work as well! Or they will not work. They are synergic to each other.
(Sorry for the caps - it is just for emphasis!)
That Is -> Take the Hawthorn Berries, the Garlic tablet, the Celery tablets, the Turmeric, and the Almonds AT ONE TIME - TOGETHER.
That will give you better results than taking them separately.
Thanks for your imput. Your suggestions are great for long-term therapy.
God bless.
Hawthon Berries, Garlic and Celery tablets, Turmeric, and Almonds - Together - At One Time.