Vidda- Thanks for looking out! Its nice to be on the same level as another faster. We will get there one day for sure.
Mighty- I'm not surprised by your wealth of information, but am happy to hear you say that completion is pretty difficult these days. I'm quite sure I would most likely require 2 months, maybe more with my toxicity. Also glad to hear about the water level/kidney thing. Thanks for all your replies.
RainyDay- I appreciate you sharing your experiences. My brain right now is telling me to stop, but I haven't really faired that well listen to my brain these past 10 years now.. so I'm going to keep going and hopefully break my fast after 10 days.
Vilang-Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah.. I don't mind the dark urine either and I am definitely feeling much happier already. I have faith that it will continue. Congrats to you on your own fast. What a great accomplishment it is for you!