"Can you or somebody explain the kidney thing? Is that why I've been so immobile/tired? Thanks again."
As much as i love Vidda, i respectfully disagree with her on this :).
Actually most experts advise drinking only to thirst Catch22, which is exactly what you are doing and too much water (water beyond thirst) would force your kidneys to work harder than necessary, detracting energy from the cleansing and healing of your body.
"I am now officially on Day 6. Day 5 and Day 4 were pretty blah. All I did was lay around... very low energy both days.
...but overall I feel that this fast has been my "best" one so far."
Hey there Catch22,
Yeah, pretty normal stuff you are describing. It's fantastic that you are in the midst of your greatest fast ever :).
"Not sure when I will actually end it, but I know I will more than likely NOT fast to completion. I would like to go longer than 7 days though. Maybe reach double digits/10 days?.. I've been reading a lot about fasting to completion and its benefits and also about ending a fast before completion and its "not goodness". Which is pretty much why I am so concerned with ending prematurely."
Completion is as you say highly preferential and while being "the ultimate" it is not at all easy to come by in this day and age and there is no telling how long that might take. It could perhaps be somewhere between 30 and 60 days. This would likely be to reach the point of having run low on some nutrient and it could be a cumulation of 100 days or more to achieve the type of completion accompanied by the elimination of all toxemia.
WaterDesign went 42 days without encountering it. 11 months ago when i reached it in 30 days, it is only because i ran low in something and likely this was hastened by brisk walking 2 hours per day squandering my reserves :). 8 months later when i fasted properly, conserving my reserves, 30 days was reached without completion.
Since completion is unrealistic in most situations, we are forced to accept long fasts without it. The benefits are still amazing, but it is necessary to emerge with much greater digestive caution since the body was fasting beautifully and this is being interrupted by our own timing, not allowing the body to break it in it's own wisdom.
In lieu of completion it is highly preferred to break on a high note, while feeling good or at least "pretty good" or at the very least "not too lousy", and it is quite undesireable to end on a low note, especially in the midst of a crisis such as nausia. In such a case it would be fantastically preferential to get through the crisis before breaking.
Chances are... if you end at 10-15-20 days you will not be in mid crisis, so all things considered, this would be a reasonable time to break as long as crisis is not present.
"One thing I definitely plan on doing this time that I didn't really make too big of an effort on before is to practice the vegan diet. Not just through the re-feeing process but also afterwards and on till hopefully I reach a time when I can fast again... I'm thinking the vegan diet will help too. I think I might be misusing the word vegan. Anyways whatever you guys are talking about.... pretty much just have to click on Chiron's posts an look up the recipes. Thats the eating I'm talking about :)"
You are indeed a changed man :). Well vegan just means foods that an animal (incl. fish) was not killed for or used to produce as in dairy or eggs. Leaving us with Veg, fruit, grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Am i missing anything folks? :) Of course unhealthy vegan allows for a lot of junk food like candy, soda, white bread and french fries but i know that's not what you're talking about. You might even consider 90% vegan to allow for some eggs, salmon or whatever else you might enjoy, foods that arguably bring some benefits to the table.
I hope all goes well for you. Once again, it is always a pleasure to read your entertaining posts :).