Thanks everybody. You have been kind. I finished the cleansing, drink the last Epsom Salt at 9:30am.
And had 5 samll BM (really small) since then. Mostly just liquid with no stone. There are some sand like stuff settled in the bottom of the toilet. Then there are stuff floating which could be the pulp of the grapefruit. All yellow brown in color. No stones yet. But it's a relif to have BM. Otherwise I thought I am never be able to do cleansing again.
Sslea, I am glad you had BM. :) Everything will be fine. This shall pass too. I have moderae acne. My skin is just getting worse and worse. It has never been so oily. I feel tired all the time and don't sleep well anymore. That's the reason I want to do liver cleansing.
I started drinking EmergentC just now. Still quite bloated. Will eat Watermelon as lunch in an hour.
Thanks everybody again. I will buy the chinese bitter and coin grass and do another cleansing around Independence day weekend. And see what will happen after that.