Hey Mike, how are you?
Hi Mike,
It's Ryan A here. I read your text, to Mary 88 here about this Dr. Marshall and this medicine that he has, that can help heal scars, old wounds, etc, etc. When you mentioned this being possible, it made me go back to when I was just inserting the object into my back orifice. I do recall, that when I had inserted the object fairly high up, that I noticed blood on the object where i had inserted it once, I took it out. I don't know why I didn't think about this sooner, but, that was why when I got the colonscopy done, I told the specialist what I did and that I saw blood on the point of the part of the object, that first went in. I know though, that after telling him all this and getting the results back, it made me very confused about not having an anal fistula, because of what I saw physically when I inserted a dangerous part into the orifice area. I guess I am sharing this because, a part of me still believes deep down that, I might still have allowed this damage to cause what you say, a bacteria to enter there, even though my doctors have already told me, I have no bacterial infection or anal fistula. If you don't mind me asking, I just wanted to ask some questions. First, who is this Dr. Marshall? What kind of doctor is he? Second, um, what does he specialize in, or help people with? Third, what is this medicine you speak of, that helps people with scars, old wounds or the like? Does this medicine have a specific name? Fourth, how much would this medicine most likely cost? Lastly, does Dr. Marshall have a website that I could go into, where I could look up this medicine and research about who he is? If you could get back to me Mike when you can, that'd be great dude!! Thanks. Okay, I hope that you are doing well, or atleast feeling better and keep me informed on your progress over this problem eh!! Okay, take care. God bless. Bye for now.